Merits of Deforestation

Shivansh Dubey
5 min readMar 28, 2022


Merits of Deforestation

Deforestation is the practice of felling down a large area of ​​trees so that the land can be used for other purposes. It is often used to describe what happens in tropical forests where forests are felled and felled to replace vegetation, fields, or pastures for farming purposes.

Farms may be a common cause of deforestation, but logging, mining, and mining are contributing factors. It is done because the land is considered as important as non-forest. The period 1960–1990 was the year when deforestation took place on a large scale. It has become a growing trend over the past decade.

Brazil’s Atlantic Coast coast is likely to lose 95 percent of its forests. Central America has lost more than half of its rain forests. Only 6 percent of rain forests in Central America are protected by law.

Here are some of the benefits and risks of deforestation that should be considered when assessing this practice.

List of Merits of Deforestation

Merits of Deforestation

Creating a usable world for human habitation
By 2050, population levels are expected to meet or exceed 10 billion. That means agricultural land will be needed to feed all those future people. Deforestation may be a bad practice, but it does create an environment conducive to farming. It can also create more accommodation, allow more travel networks, and provide economic incentives.

It generates money
Deforestation products help generate income right now. Logging creates materials that can be used to build homes and businesses. Allows oil extraction, gas extraction, and mining. Gold, silver, and precious metals can often be found in the mines. That means the cost of removing trees can be offset by current needs, making the practice economically viable over time.

Creates a chance for discovery
Dense rain forests are one of the most diverse in our world today. There are thousands of different types of trees. More than 50,000 species of low-lying plants have been identified. There are hundreds of thousands of species of animals and hundreds of thousands of species of insects. As we approach the deforestation work, it gives us an opportunity to discover what has not yet been discovered. Not only does this give us more information about our planet but it also gives us the opportunity to develop various scientific fields.

It creates jobs
Employment can be reduced in areas of the world where rainforests flourish. Many workers are trained only for agricultural employment. By clearing rain forests, logging operations are underway. Mining operations can be created. Oil and gas extraction operations are possible. If the land is converted into designated agricultural areas, then significant long-term leases are possible. For many families, deforestation has led to the possibility of having a home where such hopes could not be realized otherwise.

It provides us with building materials
Trees that are not suitable for deforestation can be converted into other wood products. Paper can be created from wood pulp. We can build furniture with materials collected from the forest. Many of our daily necessities also come from the forests. Natural aspirin, sponges, chewing gum, carnauba wax, henna dye, and rubber can all be harvested by cutting.

Provides tax revenue
The cut-off activities in the area do more than provide direct family support. They also bring tax money to the government for various purposes. Some of that money is used for social programs that help others. In 2005, an estimated $ 6 billion in taxes were made worldwide through deforestation efforts.

It can alleviate congestion
Many cities in the countries where forests often erupt in an unusual way. Opening new areas through deforestation can help build new communities to ease congestion. By reducing the number of bulls, it is possible to reduce crime, increase economic productivity, and reduce the negative effects of urbanization.

List of Disadvantages of Deforestation

Merits of Deforestation

It does not provide good soil access
Deforestation is often used to build farmland. The only problem with this effort is that tropical soils tend to be temperate and old. This means that fewer nutrients are added to the soil, compared to the cooler soil commonly used for farming. Dense vegetation is known to make the soil more acidic, ironic, and aluminum at toxic levels, reducing the nutrients that plants need. That means additional costs for fertilizers and additives have to be added to deforestation and this is not always the case.

It changes the structure of our universe
A rapid removal of trees changes the way carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is processed. The process of photosynthesis allows plant life to release CO2 into the air and replace it with oxygen. According to a Scientific American report, the effects of deforestation have a greater impact on the atmosphere than all the cars and trucks used on the roads.

It can change the weather
Drought is often regarded as a natural disaster that falls beyond human control. It can actually be the result of human activity. With carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the Earth absorbs more heat. This may affect the local, regional, and global climate. Brazil has had the worst deforestation in the last 50 years and the worst drought in its history in the last decade. Although drought has affected human history from the beginning, its intensity and frequency are increasing.

Demerits of Deforestation

Merits of Deforestation

Deforestation has always been a political issue, as more and more forests are being donated to the world to accelerate globalization. Environmentalists say that widespread deforestation could have serious consequences for the world if not allowed to continue at its own pace.

Destruction of habitats
Deforestation is destroying the habitats of the thousands of animals and plants that depend on forests for their livelihoods and



Shivansh Dubey
Shivansh Dubey

Written by Shivansh Dubey


Geography Times creater

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