What Are The Benefits of Tropical Rainforest?

Shivansh Dubey
3 min readMar 30, 2022


What Are The Benefits of Tropical Rainforest?

Rain forests are an integral part of the global ecosystem:

Biodiversity: Rain forests support many species of plants and animals — it is estimated that almost half of all known species on earth live in rain forests, from orangutans to bromeliads to aquatic life. In addition, the rain forest has four distinct areas to support its diversity of vegetation: forest floor (usually characterized by thick roots covered with nutritious leaves), basement (including the entire area below the upper branches), canopy (where birds also feed. epiphyte-like orchids grown attached to trees), and a growing layer (where only the tallest trees reach sunlight over the bed). Learn more about biodiversity and how it affects the earth.

Medicine: Tropical forests have hundreds of thousands of plant species — only 1 percent have been studied for their medicinal purposes. Over time, scientists have used ingredients found in tropical forests to make drugs for cancer, migraines, malaria, fever, and muscle disorders.
Water Supply: Rainforests are an important part of the Earth’s water cycle (by rain and respiration) and water supply (by keeping water clean). The Amazon Basin alone contains about one fifth of the planet’s freshwater, though it covers only about 4 percent of the earth’s surface.
Flying over the heart of the Amazon is like flying over the blue sea: the trees are broken by the rivers only. Even more impressive is the role that the Amazon and other rain forests play in our daily lives.
Although rain forests may seem daunting for a long time, these natural principles are essential for our well-being.

Rain forests are often referred to as the lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, and humidity. Rain forests also stabilize the climate, conserve amazing flora and fauna, and produce nutritious rainfall worldwide.

Rain Forests:

Helping to stabilize global climate
Provide a home for many plants and animals
Maintain a water cycle
Protect from floods, droughts, and erosion
They are a source of medicine and food
Support the people of the nations
They are a wonderful place to visit

What are the Economic Benefits of Tropical RainForest?

What Are The Benefits of Tropical Rainforest?

Rain forests provide a wealth of job opportunities, including tourism directors and managers. Economic activities such as mining, logging, farming, and construction, provide employment opportunities in the rain forests. Despite being less than 10 percent of the world’s land area, and occupying only 0.5% of the world’s population, rainforests — without a doubt — are struggling to cope with climate change. As carbon dioxide evaporates, rainforests reduce climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and storing it in trees. Deforestation is contributing to climate change, and climate change is costing governments.

Read More: https://shivanshdubey.com/what-are-the-benefits-of-tropical-rainforest



Shivansh Dubey
Shivansh Dubey

Written by Shivansh Dubey


Geography Times creater

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